Unfold Stardoll

Unfold Stardoll
Unfold The Secrets Of Stardoll.

FREE Sandals and Purse

Hey guys! If you are from the US or Canada just click >>HERE<< and answer the quiz with any answers. And it should be in your suite. If you are from anywhere else just follow these steps;

1) You will need to use a proxy like- www.proxoin.com  or  www.dontfilter.us 

2) Now paste or type stardoll.com in the proxy's URL, click go, and log into stardoll

3) Now paste www.stardoll.com/en/contest/view.php?id=3936 in the URL again and answer the quiz (random answers) and the purse and shoes should be in your suite!

    Thanks for reading! -LaLaLaura2001 


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need help?

If you are stuck you can visit the owner Queenz7 by clicking the little image below and it will take you directly to her suite and ask anything.